I remember how easy it looked when my father did home repair and improvement projects. Remember dear reader that this was before the DYI (Do It Yourself) movement. We didn’t have the luxury in my house to watch it on HGTV. We were expected to be actively involved.
I was dipping the mops in the blacktop when he was blacktopping the driveway. It was made to look effortless when he put a cement parking pad on the side of the house, so mom could back out of the drive. I remember the unbelievable heat when helping bring the pink rolls of insulation up the attic stairs. Do you remember the Pink Panther commercial making it look so easy? I recall getting sunburned as we tore out and rebuilt the deck during my summer vacation Junior year of High School. I can still remember watching my dad as he managed a crew while building a cement bunker (OK, it was a garage…) in the side of the hill behind our house, so he could store his 32ft Chris-Craft boat out of the elements over a Wisconsin winter. Ah, those were the days.
“Dad, why don’t we just do it?”
Getting snapped out of deep thought is sometimes jarring. Here I was thinking about a time before my daughter was even born. “What do you think Dad?” she asked again. An honest question from a ten year old. “Hold the phone”, I told her. “I know it seems easy watching me do all the work around here, but sweetheart it’s a lot of work do do what I am doing in and around our own home… let alone someone else’s.” What she said next made me want to take on all those “smaller projects” each and every neighbor says that they are in need of getting done.
“Look at everything you have done here already… and how wonderful it looks now.”
Huh, it’s not close to her birthday or Christmas. Maybe she is buttering me up for some over priced video game, or technological do-dad. Or maybe she sees what I was missing. Maybe in my haste to come to a conclusion about how to handle the next project here at the CabinCare Cabin, maybe I have become a little cynical, I got tired of people not showing up, not doing a quality job, leaving a job site (my property…) a mess, showing up late, leaving early, being on their phone more than they were working?
Maybe there are other people that are having the same difficulties and want someone reliable to handle the small stuff for them? If you are like me and want even the smallest projects done with excellence, contact me by clicking here and let’s talk about the project you have in mind.
Large or small, CabinCare can help with it all.